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U.N. Secretary-General's Call to Action to Address Extreme Heat Problem

Extreme Heat | United Nations

In response to the rapid rise in the scale, intensity, frequency and duration of extreme heat, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on 25 July 2024 called for an urgent and concerted effort to enhance international cooperation to address extreme heat in four critical areas:

Caring for the vulnerable - Protecting workers - Boosting resilience of economies and societies using data and science - Limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C by phasing out fossil fuels and scaling up investment in renewable energy.






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COVID-19 Vaccinations Lower Risk of Long COVID by 72% --study


...researchers found that the lowest rates of long COVID (3.5%) were in people who were vaccinated against COVID-19. Of the people who were unvaccinated, 7.8% developed long COVID.


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U.S. climate change is slowing the population moves to the Sun Belt states.


Since the widespread adoption of air conditioning in the 1970s, Americans have moved in droves from cold northern climes to sunny southern ones. That has led to booming populations in states such as Florida, Texas and Arizona, and a shift in economic activity from north to south.

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World Bank Pandemic Fund obtains $700 M from U.S. and Germany

Pandemic Fund by World Bank draws over $700 mln from US, Germany | Reuters

July 24 (Reuters) - The World Bank's fund to help developing countries better prepare for pandemics has raised $667 million from the United States and $54 million from Germany, moving it closer towards its goal of reaching at least $2 billion in new funding.
The fund, set up in September 2022, is expected to award a second round of funding later this year. It is one of the several global initiatives that was set up to help prevent a COVID-19 rerun. ...



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